About the Hasus directory.

The Hasus directory was created back in January 2016 and is regularly updated, to help solve the problem that many small business owners have when looking for local providers of business services. This is especially true if they are new to running a business or are looking for a product or service that they've not used before.

Our directory is aimed at providing smaller UK based businesses with a list of selected service providers in towns and locations across the UK. To find your local list use the dropdown list of towns and we will show you a page that list of providers that we know about in the town you have selected.

If you have any recommendations for suppliers please contact us to let us know and we will happily consider adding them to the list for our other visitors.

Please note that we do not usually list national suppliers as we feel that it's better to support your local community where you can. Also please note that unlike some business service directories, entry into this directory and the order that the suppliers are listed does not rely on any payment - all entries are given free of charge after a manual vetting process although if you want to make a payment you can always make one to one of our supported charities and animal rescue organisations.

We would like to thank HTML5 UP for the permission to use their page design as the basis of this website.