Business Listings in Telford, Shropshire

We have searched for business suppliers in Telford, Shropshire a town with an approximate population of 142,723 , that at the census in 2011 had a working population (aged between 16 and 74) of 69,606 people in work, and have found 9 suppliers of services such as Wall Art, Business Gifts , Accountants & Local Authority in Telford and have listed them below split into the type of service that they provide.

If you know of any more suppliers of business related services, either matching the list of 4 services we already have or new services, in Telford that you can recommend please contact us and we will look at adding them to this page.

Please note that none of the firms listed on this page have paid for an entry. We have found them either by our own searching or by the recommendation of other people.


Kesworth in Telford
Kesworth is a modern, proactive firm of accountants in Telford and we operate throughout Shropshire and the Midlands. We aim to help our clients grow, make their administration as easy as possible and minimise their tax bill.
( Last Checked/Updated : 2025-01-13 22:48:01)

A P Carter and Co in Telford
A P Carter & Co are Chartered Accountants with a simple aim - to provide business owners in the Telford area with jargon free accountancy services.
( Last Checked/Updated : 2025-02-12 23:59:37)

Hollingsworth & Co in Telford
Chartered Accountants Hollingsworth and Co provide a superb service to the whole of Birmingham, We offer the following services - Chartered Accountants Birmingham | Accountants birmingham | Business Advisors birmingham - Hollingsworth and Co.
( Last Checked/Updated : 2024-10-30 18:00:01)

Morris Cook in Telford
As an established firm of Chartered Accountants with over half a century‘s experience, we have a long and successful track record in working with a wide range of growing, diversifying and new businesses.
( Last Checked/Updated : 2024-11-11 21:36:01)

Clear Accountancy in Telford
Nira Smith Accounts exists to help small businesses and individuals, with all of their financial and taxation issues.
( Last Checked/Updated : 2024-10-08 07:12:01)

Bagri & Co in Telford
Accountants and Business Advisors in Telford Shropshire
( Last Checked/Updated : 2024-11-11 09:36:01)

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Local Authority in Telford

Telford & Wrekin Council in Telford
Website and contact details for Telford & Wrekin Council local authority.
( Last Checked/Updated : 2025-01-26 20:23:37)

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Wall Art in Telford

Wall Art
Wall art suitable for interior design and office receptions, available online and shipped to Telford. Printed to order on canvas, acrylic and other surfaces with 30 day guarantee.
(Last Checked : 2025-03-12 10:59)

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Business Gift Ideas in Telford

Old fashions sweets - the ideal business gift. A Quarter Of - the old fashioned sweetshop on the Internet!, reward your staff or business clients with the taste and memories of their youth. From individual packs of sweets to mixed gift boxes. (Last Checked : 2025-03-12 10:59)

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Not found what you are looking for in Telford? We have other listings in locations such as Shrewsbury, Sutton, Wellington, Cannock & Hednesford that you may find helpful.

About Telford

Telford (/ˈtɛlfərd/ ⓘ) is a town in the Telford and Wrekin borough in Shropshire, England. The wider borough covers the town, its suburbs and surrounding towns and villages. The town is close to the county's eastern boundary, and near the River Severn. The notable hill near the town called The Wrekin is part of the Shropshire Hills, an Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty. To the south of the town is the Ironbridge Gorge, a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Places around the Ironbridge Gorge area, which were developed into the town itself, are internationally recognised as being "The Birthplace of Industry" being to a large extent constructed during the Industrial Revolution on the Shropshire Coalfield. The town is the main administrative centre for Telford and Wrekin Council.

The M54 motorway was completed in 1983, improving the town's road links with the West Midlands conurbation, Wolverhampton is 19 miles (31 km) south east and Birmingham is 28 miles (45 km) in the same direction. In the 2011 census, the town had a population of 142,723 while in 2017, the wider borough had an estimated population of 175,271. It is the most populous settlement in Shropshire, Shrewsbury is second and is 15 miles (24 km) to the west of the town. It is near Staffordshire: Stafford is 21 miles (34 km) to the east and Stoke-on-Trent is 25 miles (40 km) north east from the town.

The above introduction to Telford uses material from the Wikipedia article 'Telford' and is used under licence.

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