Business Listings in Wellingborough, Northamptonshire
We have searched for business suppliers in Wellingborough, Northamptonshire a town with an approximate population of 49,128 , that at the census in 2011 had a working population (aged between 16 and 74) of 23,880 people in work, and have found 7 suppliers of services such as Wall Art, Business Gifts , Accountants & Financial Advice in Wellingborough and have listed them below split into the type of service that they provide.
If you know of any more suppliers of business related services, either matching the list of 4 services we already have or new services, in Wellingborough that you can recommend please contact us and we will look at adding them to this page.
Please note that none of the firms listed on this page have paid for an entry. We have found them either by our own searching or by the recommendation of other people.
Accountants near Wellingborough
We are an ambitious and knowledgeable accountancy firm based in Wellingborough that offers a comprehensive range of accountancy, business and tax services, and can also provide specialist advice to those operating in the property/construction, medical, dental and legal sectors. ( Last Checked/Updated : 2024-11-27 07:11:37)
MWM Accountants
Established in 1992, MWM Accountants are based in Wellingborough, Northamptonshire and provide a high quality, specialist service to over 300 GP's. ( Last Checked/Updated : 2024-12-05 03:36:01)
Clifford Roberts
Clifford Roberts are Accountants based in Wellingborough and Northampton with clients across the region. ( Last Checked/Updated : 2024-12-13 14:23:37)
Jervis & Partners
Jervis and Partners - Northampton, Higham Ferrers and Wellingborough ( Last Checked/Updated : 2024-11-04 19:12:01)
Wellingborough Financial Advice
The Investment Coach
Our mission is to “bring order to the financial chaos” by coaching you and your finances to a level where we can truly make joint decisions based on knowledge and a shared vision - most commonly to better your total net worth. ( Last Checked/Updated : 2024-10-27 03:36:01)
Canvas Prints in Wellingborough
John Mitchell - Photo4Me
Wall art suitable for interior design and office receptions, available online and shipped to Wellingborough. Printed to order on canvas, acrylic and other surfaces with 30 day guarantee. (Last Checked : 2025-03-12 11:12)
Business Gift Ideas in Wellingborough
A Quarter Of - the old fashioned sweetshop on the Internet!, reward your staff or business clients with the taste and memories of their youth. From individual packs of sweets to mixed gift boxes. (Last Checked : 2025-03-12 11:12)
Not found what you are looking for in Wellingborough? We have other listings in locations such as Watford, Rushden, Higham Ferrers, Huntingdon & Godmanchester that you may find helpful.
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About Wellingborough
Wellingborough (/ˈwɛlɪŋbrə/ WEL-ing-brə) is a market town and civil parish in North Northamptonshire, England, 65 miles (105 km) from London and 11 miles (18 km) from Northampton, north of the River Nene.
Originally named "Wendelingburgh" (the stronghold of Wændel's people), the Anglo-Saxon settlement is mentioned in the Domesday Book of 1086 as "Wendelburie". The town's market was granted a royal charter in 1201 by King John. At the 2021 census, it had a population of 56,564. The built-up area also includes suburbs Wilby, Great Doddington, Little Irchester, Redhill Grange, Stanton Cross and Glenvale Park.
The above introduction to Wellingborough uses material from the Wikipedia article 'Wellingborough' and is used under licence.
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