Business Listings in Whitby, North Yorkshire

We have searched for business suppliers in Whitby, North Yorkshire a town with an approximate population of 13,213 , that at the census in 2011 had a working population (aged between 16 and 74) of 6,064 people in work, and have found 3 suppliers of services such as Wall Art, Business Gifts & Accountants in Whitby and have listed them below split into the type of service that they provide.

If you know of any more suppliers of business related services, either matching the list of 3 services we already have or new services, in Whitby that you can recommend please contact us and we will look at adding them to this page.

Please note that none of the firms listed on this page have paid for an entry. We have found them either by our own searching or by the recommendation of other people.


M. Wasley Chapman & Co in Whitby
M Wasley Chapman & Co are an accountancy firm based in Middlesbrough and have offices in Guisborough, Saltburn, Scarborough and Whitby.
( Last Checked/Updated : 2023-12-24 14:24:01)

Phillip Burley & Co in Whitby
Our company aim is to provide a first class, high quality service, satisfying all of our customers needs with the minimum of fuss.
( Last Checked/Updated : 2023-12-01 19:12:01)

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Interior Decorating Art in Whitby

Wall Art
Wall art suitable for interior design and office receptions, available online and shipped to Whitby. Printed to order on canvas, acrylic and other surfaces with 30 day guarantee.
(Last Checked : 2024-04-19 16:09)

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Business Gift Ideas in Whitby

Old fashions sweets - the ideal business gift. A Quarter Of - the old fashioned sweetshop on the Internet!, reward your staff or business clients with the taste and memories of their youth. From individual packs of sweets to mixed gift boxes. (Last Checked : 2024-04-19 16:09)

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Not found what you are looking for in Whitby? We have other listings in locations such as St Asaph, Newmarket, Holywell, Flint, Neston, Ellesmere Port, Netherton, Clifton, Acton, Northwich & Knutsford that you may find helpful.

About Whitby

Whitby is a seaside town, port and civil parish in North Yorkshire, England. It is on the Yorkshire Coast at the mouth of the River Esk. It has a maritime, mineral and tourist economy. The fishing port emerged during the Middle Ages, supporting important herring and whaling fleets, and was where Captain Cook learned seamanship and, coincidentally, where his first vessel to explore the southern ocean, HMS Endeavour, was built. Jet and alum were mined locally, and Whitby jet, which was mined by the Romans and Victorians, became fashionable during the 19th century.

The earliest record of a permanent settlement is in 656 AD, when as Streanæshealh it was the place where Oswy, the Christian king of Northumbria, founded the first abbey, under the abbess Hilda. The Synod of Whitby was held there in 664 AD. In 867 AD, Viking raiders destroyed the monastery. The town's East Cliff is home to the ruins of Whitby Abbey, where Cædmon, the earliest recognised English poet, lived. Another monastery was founded in 1078 AD. It was in this period that it gained its current name, Whitby (from "white settlement" in Old Norse). In the following centuries Whitby functioned as a fishing settlement until, in the 18th century, it developed as a port and centre for shipbuilding and whaling, the trade in locally mined alum, and the manufacture of Whitby jet jewellery. Tourism started in Whitby during the Georgian period and developed with the arrival of the railway in 1839.

The above introduction to Whitby uses material from the Wikipedia article 'Whitby' and is used under licence.

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